Legal Crap
I’m required by law to tell you guys some stuff. It’s boring and I’m sorry. It’s the world we live in…
Terms of Use
The act of reading my fabulous blog, also known as, indicates that you accept the following terms of use.
You understand that this blog is for entertainment and informational purposes only. You accept (and enjoy) my sparkling personality and you realize that it is never my intent to offend you, or anyone else for that matter. You will not hold me liable if such offense occurs. Presumably, you have a safe space already set up, just in case the worst happens.
I make every effort to give you valid information, but to err is human. In the unlikely event that I make a mistake–in projects, procedures, advice, grammar (as if!) or any other blog content–you understand that I am not a professional contractor, plumber, electrician, designer, psychologist or English professor. I’m just a girl with a blog.
The projects that I write about are things I have personally done and have worked for me. I am in no way liable if you choose to duplicate any of my projects and it doesn’t turn out as you’d hoped. You assume responsibility for your own choices and actions. Always consult a professional if you want someone to share in the responsibility. They have insurance.
The content on the My Crappy House blog is all original, created by Vickiann Vachula. (That’s me.) Copying any content for public use is strictly prohibited. You may borrow a photo, but it must be accompanied by a link back to You may quote me, with credit, but you may not plagiarize. (That means copying my words and pretending you wrote them. Not only is that against the law, but it’s also a really crappy thing to do. Don’t do it.)
Privacy Policy
This website collects personal data from its users. (That’s you.) You may notice that the ads that appear on my site seem magically tailored to you. I use Google AdSense and they collect cookies that help them to know what things you might like to buy. You may opt out of this cookie collection by clicking here, but if you do that, you’ll just see ads for things you don’t want instead of things that may appeal to you. This data does not personally identify you.
I also use Google Analytics to be able to better understand what my readers are enjoying. Usage data is collected for this purpose, but is also anonymous and unable to identify you, personally.
You may be asked to provide your email address when interacting with my website. To subscribe, I’ll need your email, of course. When leaving comments on blog posts, your email only serves to validate that you are a real person and not a spam robot. In both cases, your email address will always be kept private and never shared, sold or published. I use MailChimp to send my subscribers an email when I post new content. You are free to unsubscribe from my mailing list at any time. There is a link to unsubscribe in every email, or you may contact me directly and I will remove you myself. I’m not sure why you’d want to break up with me, but I will let you go if that’s what will make you happy.
When commenting on a post, you have the option to include a website url. It is not mandatory. If you choose to include one, that website will be public and visible to anyone who happens to read your comment. I’m sure you know that already, but it’s another one of those legal things I’m required to tell you.
Affiliate Disclaimer
I am a member of the Amazon Affiliate Program, and also have accounts with several other affiliate platforms. So, wtf is an affiliate? I’m glad you asked! Many of my posts include direct links to products that I have purchased and/or recommend. If you click these links and buy any of those products, I make a small commission. This does not increase your cost at all. It’s a way that companies can thank me for referring you to their products and a way that you can support my blogging efforts. You are never obligated to click on anything, nor buy anything that I have linked. I only ever link things I have bought and used myself, or things that I would buy and use myself if I had the means or the need.
Also, while this sentence will seem random and redundant to you, Amazon requires me to tell you this specifically: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. (Which, duh, Amazon… I just said that.)
Whew. That was a lot of legal crap. Thanks for reading it and please be cool and never sue me, OK? Now, let’s make like trees and get outta here… Back to the blog!