• By the Light of Bay.

    I just (reluctantly) removed my leg lamp from my bay window. At three weeks past the New Year, a leg lamp is less holiday humor and more eccentric weirdo.

    One of the nicest things about the electric sex in my front window is the lovely, soft glow that permeates my living room. It really cozies up the joint. I didn’t want to lose that sexy glow just because the holidays are over, but what could I put in my bay window that wouldn’t look weird year round? Hmm…

  • I Turned a Spare Bedroom into a Dressing Room

    It’s More Than a Closet. It’s a Sanctuary.

    What do you do when you’re somehow amazingly able to find an affordable house with three bedrooms and you really only need two? Well, duh! You turn that superfluous bedroom into a dream closet, of course! A dressing room. How many people actually get to have their own dressing room? Celebrities. Rich people. And me!

  • My Chandelier Makeover

    I love chandeliers. They’re ridiculously trendy now, but about 5 years ago, when I needed a black one for my bedroom, the only reasonably priced ones I could find were from stores in the UK. (That happens to me all the time. Damn you, England, and your cute shops with awesome stuff that won’t ship to me.) The cheapest one I could find in the US was like $300. It wasn’t in the budget. So I started trying to come up with alternatives. I found a plain, old, brass chandelier frame on E-Bay with the wiring intact for like $20. I bought it.

  • I ♥ My Bathroom

    Ironically, my bathroom was the first room in my house to stop being crappy. (Get it? Bathroom…? Crappy…? Oh, never mind.) It was fully renovated before I moved in and it didn’t cost me anything. I know! What??