• Curb Appeal

    Let’s start by getting it out of the way. You know… that business where I apologize for how long it’s taken me to post and then I promise that I’ll do better and then you forgive me, knowing that I probably won’t do better, but you love me so much that you’re willing to stick with me no matter what? Yeah, you know. So…

    I’m sorry. I’ll do better. Forgive me? Yeah, you do… Friends forever!

    And now that we have that unpleasantness out of the way, let’s catch up, shall we? It’s been a while… (Because of course it has!)

    When we last did the blog thing, I told you all about installing vinyl siding on my crappy house. (Read about it here if you missed it.) Schmoopy and I killed that project, but if you remember, I told you I left Schmoo to work alone while I moved to the front of the house to focus on a mysterious project by myself.

  • By the Light of Bay.

    I just (reluctantly) removed my leg lamp from my bay window. At three weeks past the New Year, a leg lamp is less holiday humor and more eccentric weirdo.

    One of the nicest things about the electric sex in my front window is the lovely, soft glow that permeates my living room. It really cozies up the joint. I didn’t want to lose that sexy glow just because the holidays are over, but what could I put in my bay window that wouldn’t look weird year round? Hmm…

  • Happy Anniversary to Me!*

    Three years ago today I closed on my crappy house. My, how time flies! I thought I’d write a post to chronicle just how far I’ve come since the day I signed my name 47 times and relinquished all of my money in exchange for a set of keys. (Stalling? Who said anything about stalling? This is not just a filler post to keep you interested while I get my ass in gear to make some actual progress on my crappy house. At all.)

    Please join me on this trip down memory lane. (Memories… light the corners of my mind… misty water-colored memories…) Remember this?