It’s a Gray Area
There’s nothing extraordinary about this post. All I did was paint. It’s not that hard. You can do it. You probably have done it. Big freaking deal. But my living room is finally looking like an actual room in a real house and not a pit of despair, so I think that’s definitely worth writing about. In order to maximize the drama, I’m going to start by showing you this before photo.
My house has mold…
…ing! Oh, yeah! Molding, baby! Installed. By me. Two months of talking about it and, BAM, it’s done. Just like that. In the blink of an eye. (Not a normal person’s eye blink. Maybe a coma patient’s…) How many pictures of molding can you stand to look at in one post? Let’s find out…
Using an Inspiration Piece to Design a Room
I suck, but I have a plan.
I know I promised you I was working on my door and base moldings, but I haven’t gotten very far. That project is stuck in Deliberation. That’s the part of the process where I stare at the project extensively and contemplate doing it. I know. I suck. It’s possible for a project to be caught up in Deliberation for weeks. Or even months. I know this delay is grounds for dissolution of our contract, (You know. The one that says you will keep visiting my blog as long as I keep posting stuff about my crappy house.) but I’d like to offer you this incentive post to ensure your loyalty. It’s my design plan! (Well, one of them, anyway.) I also want to talk to you about using an inspiration piece to design a room. Seriously, guys. This is a trick you really want to know about.
My Desk Rescue
Check out what I picked up for (mostly) FREE at ReStore! Isn’t it beautiful?
Nope. Definitely not beautiful, but it’s going to be. Doesn’t everyone love a good makeover story? Sure you do!
The Best Job EVER.
My house has three bedrooms. I turned one of them into a ridonkulous dressing room. I was planning on using the extra one for a guest room, but who am I kidding? No one wants to stay overnight at my crappy house. It’s just as well, because what I really need is an office.
I Turned a Spare Bedroom into a Dressing Room
It’s More Than a Closet. It’s a Sanctuary.
What do you do when you’re somehow amazingly able to find an affordable house with three bedrooms and you really only need two? Well, duh! You turn that superfluous bedroom into a dream closet, of course! A dressing room. How many people actually get to have their own dressing room? Celebrities. Rich people. And me!
My Crappy Basement