Building a Shed on a Budget
He Shed, She Shed
I have a shed. It sucks. Not because it’s old (that’s ageism), or because it’s broken (which it is). It sucks because it’s a cheap shed and you get what you pay for; a crappy shack that’s too small for an adult to stand up straight in, with cantankerous doors that are always looking for a fight, and metal walls that sound like high-school-theater-thunder when you accidentally (on purpose) run into them with the lawn mower. This crappy shed was an appropriate sidekick to my crappy house back in the day, but the time has come to kick it to the curb. My Crappy House is too classy now to associate with such basic trash.
Before and After Crappy House Tour
Happy Blothday to Me!
On October 3, 2013, my blog was born. It’s my blog’s 7th birthday! Can you believe it? My, how time flies… In this post, we’ll take a tour of My Crappy House with some shocking before and after photos to celebrate seven years of blogging.
Also on October 3, in 19-BLEEEEEP, I was born. Here’s a picture of me to celebrate. Guys! It’s my Blothday!
Yep, that’s really me. I’ve heard there’s not much left for an unborn baby to do in the last month but to pack on the pounds. I guess I really enjoyed my mom’s accommodations (accommommadations?) because I tried to add an extra month to my stay. You know, late checkout. So, on the day I was born, I was already three weeks old and needed a haircut. I weighed ten pounds and twelve ounces.
Sorry, Mommy.
But enough about me. It’s blog day! Let’s look at some crappy before and afters, shall we?
How Can We Get Some Backyard Privacy?
Privacy, Please
When I first moved into My Crappy House in 2011, my neighbors, both to my right and to my left, were drummers who liked to practice outdoors in their respective backyards. Seriously. What are the freaking odds? Eventually, it got too cold outside to play. Then, finally, mercifully, they both moved away. Ahh, peace…
But not for long.
I Am a Slob | My Office Mess: Before and After
Beware of the Mess
Some of you have asked me for an updated house tour. I would love to do that for you, but the honest truth is that I can’t right now because I am a slob. Don’t believe me? This is my office…
My Painted House Part I
BOO! It’s me! Scary, right? I bet you didn’t expect to be scared the day after Halloween… I’m just full of surprises. (Like this post, coming out of, like, nowhere a mere quarter of a year since my last one…) So, Halloween was yesterday and that got me to thinking about scary stuff. Like how scary my front yard has looked for the last 8 years.
Not quite as bad as this…
But still pretty scary.
Where Am I?
I’ve made it super easy for you to keep up with my blog this year. It’s now June and I’ve only written two posts. Two. (Well, three, if you count this one…) See, I know you’re busy, so I didn’t want to burden you with tons of fascinating post reading. I’m always thinking of you. You’re welcome.
And that’s a random picture of Egor for you to enjoy. You’re welcome. Again…
Happy Anniversary to Me!*
Three years ago today I closed on my crappy house. My, how time flies! I thought I’d write a post to chronicle just how far I’ve come since the day I signed my name 47 times and relinquished all of my money in exchange for a set of keys. (Stalling? Who said anything about stalling? This is not just a filler post to keep you interested while I get my ass in gear to make some actual progress on my crappy house. At all.)
Please join me on this trip down memory lane. (Memories… light the corners of my mind… misty water-colored memories…) Remember this?
Brick Love, Part I
I see posts on design blogs all the time, written by people complaining about their brick wall “eyesores”. They’re seeking advice on how to remove/cover/disguise their brick. Personally, I think they’re nuts and should just replace those brick walls with padded ones. I love brick walls. Beautiful, vintage, NYC loft kind of brick. The kind of brick that looks like it’s been around the block a few times. (Metaphorically speaking, of course. Brick walls tend to stay put.) I guess you always want what you don’t have because, while those crazy people are taking brick out, I am putting it in. Like, on purpose…
My Crappy House Tour
October 3, 2013
Hey! It’s me! It’s you! It’s my first blog post ever! I’ve got a crappy house and no money!
OK, I’ll stop shouting. I’m just excited is all. Welcome to my brand new blog. I’m here on the interwebs to tell you all about my crappy house. As you’ll soon see, it needs a lot of work. This is my first time owning a home, but I’ll be doing as much of the work as I possibly can by myself, learning as I go. This should be fun.
I mean writing about it should be fun. The actual work? Doubt it.
Meet My Crappy House
This is the earliest photo I have of My Crappy House. It was the main photo on the real estate listing when I bought it in May of 2011. I guess this was the best they could do. A crappy photo of a crappy house…