I Am a Slob | My Office Mess: Before and After
Beware of the Mess
Some of you have asked me for an updated house tour. I would love to do that for you, but the honest truth is that I can’t right now because I am a slob. Don’t believe me? This is my office…
How We Negotiated at an Antiques Mall
It’s Crappy House Appreciation Day!
Let’s Celebrate!
Today, August 17, 2020 is Crappy House Appreciation Day. I just decided. I don’t know who’s in charge of creating official holidays, but I don’t care. I just did it myself. Mark your calendars. It’s done. Take the day off to celebrate, if you like. (That’s what I’m doing.)
I have very recently reached a new level of appreciation for My Crappy House. If you have a crappy house that you aren’t feeling particularly fond of, I can help. There’s one very specific thing that you can do that will make you instantly smitten. You will fall in love with your crappy house just the way it is, in all it’s crappy glory. And it’s such a simple thing! Are you ready? Here it is…
I Am a Professional
Let’s See What This Blog Can Really Do…
Hi, guys. It’s me. Your favorite blogger who never blogs. If you are one of my followers who wishes I would post more often, well, have I got good news for you! For the last eight years, I’ve had my own successful little freelancing business.
It is now dead. This stupid virus killed it.
(No, that’s not the good news. Keep reading…)
Some Good News!
This Changes Everything
Hi friends! It’s been two months since my last post. Given my track record for post frequency, this one probably comes as an unexpected surprise. But I hope it’s a welcome surprise (like a delicious basket of mini muffins surprise) and not an unwelcome surprise. (Like a freaking worldwide pandemic surprise…)
We sure have entered the Twilight Zone in the last couple of months… But I’m not here to talk to you about all of that. (Smarter, less fun people than I am have that subject covered thoroughly. Exhaustively.) I just thought I would share a little bit of good news with you. And also announce a really big change that has the potential to affect us all!
Where Am I?
I’ve made it super easy for you to keep up with my blog this year. It’s now June and I’ve only written two posts. Two. (Well, three, if you count this one…) See, I know you’re busy, so I didn’t want to burden you with tons of fascinating post reading. I’m always thinking of you. You’re welcome.
And that’s a random picture of Egor for you to enjoy. You’re welcome. Again…
A Closet Makeover on a Budget
My Best Friend’s Closet
My BFF and I have been friends since we were 13 years old. I’m not even going to tell you how many years that is (because I like to pretend I’m still a kid and that would destroy the illusion), but this hair sure does have a big mouth…
Off The Chain
You may remember My Chain.
You probably have your own chain. You know – those projects you have to do before you can do the one you really want to do. They all build on each other. If you don’t remember My Chain, (And you were too lazy to click the link I conveniently put there in the first sentence. And again here. (My God, how lazy are you??)) here it is:
I Spent a Day with Habitat For Humanity
Paying it Forward
I never watch the news. I know. I’m a bad American. Whatever. But the news always sucks! It’s full of terrible people doing terrible things. I’d much rather focus on the good people in the world doing good things. The people that think nothing of donating their money and time to worthy causes. The selfless people. You know, the ones who make me feel really bad for wasting my extra time on sleeping late and watching Netflix instead of helping others. Wait, why am I focusing on them again?
Oh, right. They’re inspiring.
Celebrate Me
October 3rd is National Crappy House Day! (Good thing it’s a Saturday so you don’t have to explain to your boss why you can’t go into work…) Not only is it my birthday (for reals), but it’s also my blog’s birthday as well. What a coincidence! (Hey, that’s joincidence with a “c”…)